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2 Review your order.
3 Payment & FREE shipment

If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to [email protected] . Thank you!


Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


Shipping, Order Cancellation and Return Policies


Within the United States: Over Ground Freight shipping from certified DOT carrier.
Domestic packages typically arrive 3-10 business days from date shipped.
Items will generally be shipped out by Walking Bike Americas (WBA) within 72 hours from the time of purchase and payment processing when stock is on hand.

When the stock is not on hand, the bike(s) will be shipped within 72 hours of clearance and release of the bikes from US Customs direct to the consumer at the shipping address provided by the consumer.

We can ship bikes all around the world. Please contact us to go over the details for international shipping. The Consumer will be responsible for the cost of each Walking Bike and all related shipping, customs and duty charges into the respective country the bike(s) is being shipped to.


Due to the overwhelming demand for our amazing electric walking bike, Walking Bike America's production capabilities has historically not been able to keep up with demand. Therefore, Walking Bike America's offers a reservation list system that allows consumers who have made the decision to purchase a bike to pay for the bike in full which will guarantee the consumer a bike in the color of their choice from the upcoming shipment of bikes. The consumers placement on the reservations list is on a first paid first reserved basis. Any consumer who does not wish purchase the bike and be placed on the reservations list can wait for the shipment to arrive and contact us to see if bikes are available from any given shipment.


Once an order has been processed there is a minimum "restocking fee" of twenty percent (20%). If a consumer places an order for a Walking Bike to be shipped to their location and then decides to cancel their order prior to the bike being processed and prepared for shipment, the consumer will receive an 80% refund of the total amount collected.

If the consumer decides to cancel their order after the bike has been processed and prepared for shipment, the consumer will receive a 70% refund of the total amount collected less the restocking fee, and processing and handling fees. and any charges imposed by the shipping carrier and or other fees and costs incurred by Walking Bike Americas and its agents.


As mentioned above, as a result of the overwhelming demand for our electric walking bicycle, Walking Bike America's and our production facilities cannot keep up with that demand. This means that from time to time our worldwide network of independent distributors will have to create a reservation list for consumers interested in purchasing a Walking bike. Reservations for a bike to be delivered in the near future are taken on a first come first paid deposit basis.

In the event Walking Bike America's does not have stock on hand to ship a bike to a consumer immediately upon the submission of their order, Walking Bike America's uses the reservation list method to take reservations from a consumer wanting to be guaranteed a Walking bike from the next container arriving for distribution in its region. Consumers are required to submit a one hundred percent (100%) deposit at the time the order is placed based on the cost of each bike and related shipping and handling and processing costs to secure their bike reservation.

Generally speaking, and to the best of Walking Bike Americas and the manufacturers ability, the consumer can expect the next container to arrive at the US port of entry within 90 to 120 days from the day the reservation is made. Walking Bike America's remains in regular contact with its consumers who have reserved a bike(s) with shipping updates, delivery schedules etc. 

However, due to the factors mentioned above and the costs incurred by Walking Bike Americas and the manufacturer, if a consumer cancels their Walking Bike order after Walking Bike Americas has submitted their order and paid the manufacturer for their bike(s), and the Consumer decides to cancel their order prior to the container arriving at the US Port of Entry, clearing customs and being released to Walking Bike Americas, the Consumer will be charged a 25% restocking fee. Additionally, the Consumer understands that their refund will only be processed after Walking Bike Americas has secured the sale of the canceled bike(s) to another buyer. Once the bike has been resold, the Consumer who canceled their order will be reimbursed seventy five percent (75%) of the initial purchase price less any other fees, surcharges, etc. that Walking Bike Americas and or the manufacturer have incurred. Reimbursement payments will be processed within sixty days (60) of the canceled bike(s) being sold.


Walking Bike America's does not offer a return policy for bikes that have been received, unboxed and assembled by a consumer.

Walking Bike America's strongly encourages each potential buyer to take the necessary steps to make sure they want to finalize their purchase and accept receipt of a Walking Bike prior to placing their order and before the bike is shipped and or received by the consumer. We also highly recommend that all consumers contemplating buying a Walking Bike take a test ride on a Walking Bike before placing their order if possible. Contact us and we will work with you to find the closest Walking Bike to your location where a test ride may be made possible prior to the purchase commitment.


If the bike is inoperable upon arrival and final assembly due to manufacturer defect to any of the major components such as the motor, the battery, or the driver (computer) you may return the bike for a full refund minus any applicable costs or deductions. The refund will be processed no more than 60 days after the bike has been received back at our warehouse. Once the bike is received, our technicians will determine the cause of the issue in order to validate that there is a warranty issue that falls within our limited warranty that would allow the return.