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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


New Owner Instructions

Welcome to Lopifit!

I am writing this afternoon to thank you for becoming our newest Lopifit rider. 
In a few days you will be receiving your bike via FedEx fright delivery to the shipping address you provided. We will email your Fed Ex Tracking number.  Use this number to track the shipment and anticipated delivery of your bike
You will also be receiving two other items in the next couple of days via Amazon. They are a set of adopters that will convert the Presta valve tube stem where you inflate the tube/tires that is on the bike to the Schrader value style more commonly used here in the USA. Additionally you will be receiving the US compatible power cord adapter for your battery charger. Please disregard the European power cord in the charger box.
Prior to receiving your bike(s), I wanted to provide you with some helpful hints about unpacking your bike(s), assembling your bike(s) and taking your initial ride on your Lopifit.
First and foremost, when you receive your bike(s) the box may be slightly damaged as is common in the freight shipping industry. This does not necessarily mean the contents are damaged. However, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not sign your delivery receipt until you have opened the top of the box and looked inside to make sure there is no physical damage such as dents, scrapes, dings, scratches etc. on your bike. If you notice a hole or a puncture in the box please inspect the bike primarily at those locations for possible damage.
Once you have inspected the bike and you see there is no damage, please sign the delivery receipt and allow the driver to go about his/her day. If you notice damage of any kind to the bike, please take pictures of the suspected damage immediately and email them to support@TheWalkingBike.com and to me directly at steve@TheWalkingBike.com. Then call our offices while the driver is still there so we can provide further instructions. 
Attached hereto are a couple videos, PDF and JPEG files that will assist you in assembling your bike(s) and becoming familiar with certain components of the bike. Please remember that like many new things that are introduced to our day to day lives, or even the technological advancement of certain everyday items such as cell phones, requires some patience while becoming familiar with the item and there is a learning curve to mastering the use and benefits of the item. Your Lopifit bike is no exception.
This video is a basic instructional video provided by the parent company in The Netherlands on how to assemble your Lopifit.
As additional assistance, please download the attachments in this email titled Lopifit Manual (ENG).pdf, HMI Display Manual June 2018.PDF, Promax Solve Disc Brake Manual and the attached pictures of the valve stem adapter, the power cord, and the Allen wrench set. These pictures are discussed a little later in this email. In these attachments, you will find additional helpful information about the components of your Lopifit as well as additional assembly and adjustment information.
Please be aware that we are here to assist you during the assembly of your Lopifit so please do not hesitate to contact us. Always contact us BEFORE you guess at how something should be done or how things fit together etc so as not to assemble it incorrectly or in a manner that may cause damage to your Lopifit.
As mentioned above, like many other products on the market today, becoming familiar with how the bike operates and how it is put together may take a few minutes of your time. So again, I cannot stress enough that you contact us BEFORE you make any changes to the bike, pull tug of force any of the cables or of the few parts that require assembly for your Lopifit to be complete. And by all means do not disassemble the bike in any way without contacting us first. 
The tools you will need for the assembly and long-term maintenance of your Lopifit are:
  • A set of metric Allen wrenches, also known as Hex Keys or Hex Wrenches. We suggest the long-handled set pictured below which are available at any hardware or big box home improvement store.
  • A #8 and a #10 deep socket with the applicable ratchet wrench.
  • We also recommend that you buy a couple of smaller pocket size individual 'L' shaped #5 Allen wrenches to carry with you while riding your Lopifit. Using this #5 Allen wrench relates to adjusting the positioning of the treadmill belt that may be required while riding your Lopifit the first few times.
  • We suggest you inflate your tires to 70 to 75 psi on the front and 60 psi on the rear.
Upon inspection and assembly of our first Lopifit bikes manufactured in The Netherlands here at our corporate location in Destin, Florida, I also noticed a couple other items that I must bring to your attention. 
  • Once you have removed the bike from the box, please check the bottom of the box for small bolts or other items that may have backed out of their appropriate location during the shipping process. The most common of these items are the small screws on either side of the front forks where the fender support arms attach to the forks, the bolt washers, and nut at the top of the forks where the fender and front light will be attached and in the hole in the middle of the handlebars were a small grey plastic plug is put to cover the bolt where you tighten and secure the handlebars in place.
  • It came to our attention that the tubes used for the Lopifit bikes have what is called a Presta valve where you would inflate the tire. The common valve used in the US is called a Schrader valve. There is an adaptor available at any bike shop for less than a dollar each that will attach to the Presta valve making it easy to inflate your tires. As mentioned, these adapters have been sent to you and you should receive them prior to your bike arriving. In the event you get a flat tire, usually, the tire is fine and it is the tube that was punctured, please replace the tube with one that has a Schrader valve.
  • And again, the power supply cord that plugs into the battery charger from the wall is the wrong model. The plant sent the European adapter cord and not the US cord. The proper one has been sent and you should receive before your bike arrives. 
Now that your Lopifit is assembled it is time to take your first ride.
There is one more VERY IMPORTANT item that you will need to pay attention to on the first few time you ride your bike. That is the adjustment of the treadmill belt. As I mentioned this is VERY IMPORTANT!. Please refer to the attached video link and the manual for direction on how to adjust the belt.
Please be aware that the belt is supposed to move from one side to other and back as you walk and as the belt turns. As shown in the picture with the green bike, there simply needs to be a little silver/chrome showing of the rollers on either side and you are good to ride (SEE ATTACHED PICTURE). However, it is IMPERATIVE that you stop riding the bike if you notice the belt gravitate (suck up) to one side of the frame or the other (SEE ATTACHED PICTURE) AND MAKE THE APPROPRIATE ADJUSTMENT. If the belt sucks up to one side or the other as shown in the picture with the blue bike, STOP RIDING IMMEDIATELY and adjust the belt. Please note that the belt will generally never be perfectly centered on the rollers as once again, the belt is designed to move from side to side.  Please email us with any issues or questions about adjusting the belt. 
You may also want to visit the following link to our site for additional helpful information.
Adjusting the Lopifit Brakes
Thank you once again and congratulations on your new Lopifit electric walking bike.
Lastly, please confirm receipt of this email and that you were able to upload all attachments and that the links provided were successfully opened as well.
Best Regards,
